Start With Hello

Arts and Crafts

Designed for students in grades K-5, this video showcases animated characters in their classroom working on an arts and crafts project. Viewers watch as one student struggles with feeling excluded from his classmates. The benefits of the 3 Start With Hello steps become obvious to viewers as the situation resolves, thanks to a friendly character who decided to just Start With Hello.

  • VideoResource

  • K - 5

  • EN

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Start With Hello

Comprehensive Collection: 4-5

Go to Comprehensive Collection: 4-5

Start With Hello

Comprehensive Collection: K-3

Go to Comprehensive Collection: K-3

Start With Hello

Intermediate Collection: K-3 (SWH)

Go to Intermediate Collection: K-3 (SWH)

Start With Hello

Intermediate Collection: 4-5

Go to Intermediate Collection: 4-5

Start With Hello

Foundational Collection: K-3

Go to Foundational Collection: K-3

Start With Hello

Foundational Collection: 4-5

Go to Foundational Collection: 4-5